Leveraging the Features of Multimedia Technologies in Enhancing Vocabulary Learning


  • Md. Shahdat Hossain Munna Multimedia Engineering Department, Hannam University, Daejeon, South Korea




Multimedia technology, Vocabulary learning, Innovative methods, Digital tools


Nowadays, the use of technology has become essentially important in language learning. In addition, language teachers must possess a technological toolkit of applications, websites, and multimedia applications that can help save time and provide variability and flexibility to engage learners with any material that they study. This study aims to provide innovative methods for learning English vocabulary by leveraging the features and advantages of multimedia technologies. The different tools and technologies will be presented to enable effective vocabulary development for learners and equip teachers with high-level assistive technologies.


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How to Cite

Leveraging the Features of Multimedia Technologies in Enhancing Vocabulary Learning. (2023). Journal of Innovative Technology Convergence, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.69478/JITC2023v5n2a01

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