Acceptability of AutoBeaut: An Automated Judging System for Beauty Pageants Throughout the Five Years Operation


  • John Edgar S. Anthony College of Computer Studies, Mindoro State University, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines



AutoBeaut, Beauty, Candidates, Judging App, Pageants


The Philippines is a home of hospitable, peace-loving, beautiful, handsome, and intelligent people. Beauty contests are always part of traditions and in celebrating festivals, fiestas, and other social activities. When the beauty contests are done, people often feel disappointed in the results because errors usually occur in the manual computation of the scores. As a result, the judges are oftentimes commented as biased, that judges have their proteges, and favoritism prevails. Thus, with the advent of technology, AutoBeaut was developed, intended for barangays, municipalities, organizations, and institutions. The contests consist of different categories to be competed in by the candidates, and every category has its own criteria. The application runs on desktop computers and mobile phones. The pageant's results will be sent to the server, and the tabulated results will be printed. The Prototyping Model was used in the development of the system. The system was used in the different beauty pageants, especially for organizations or agencies requesting the Pageant Computerized Tabulation System. This is one of the extension activities of the College of Computer Studies, particularly the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. The system is important in computing, tabulating, and monitoring the scores given by the judges to every candidate. Results would be readily accessible once the judges entered the points garnered by candidates. It will lessen and hasten the work of the judges and statisticians and provide fast, accurate, valid, and reliable results that can be retrieved anytime if somebody needs the computation for reference. The system was tested and evaluated by the respondents based on ISO 25010 and rated as “Very Acceptable” among the different criteria set.




How to Cite

Acceptability of AutoBeaut: An Automated Judging System for Beauty Pageants Throughout the Five Years Operation. (2024). Journal of Innovative Technology Convergence, 6(1).